Thursday, March 31, 2011


“You promised me Ms Gibbs”.

I never promised you anything it’s all in your little mind.

You chillins go play your little games elsewhere.


“You can’t trust her to keep quiet Taylor”.


“My novel’s turning to shit here”.  “I won’t be able to get a novel out of her”.

Hate it for ya.

“You owe me a novel”.

I owe you nothing.   I give you nothing.

Inside Job - A++++…

It’s infuriating and even more infuriating that nothing was done to the people who stole 150 billion dollars from the country’s citizens and that they were able to keep massive sums of money and their play toys.

IMDb Video: Inside Job

We need more of this kind of reporting on our Government and Wall Street.   It is obvious to me they pretty much figured we were all blind to what was really happening and knew they could do it and get away with it.   They are all in their high rises looking down on us while we have our faces stuck in the television being encouraged to SPEND OUR MONEY.  WELL IT’S BEEN SPENT.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get Up And Do It 2…update 12

I want to market this

Get Up and Do It

I want to live

Wanna stay alive

Been a lousy day

Don’t know how to thrive

Want to get up and do it

People lift me up

Nasty train of thought

It drags me down

Pray for a change

Make a new sound

Gonna get up and do it

Make a choice

Do it right

Get off the ground

Pray for the light

My soul’s unbound

Get up and do it

Stay on track

My life’s going to shine

Keep it together 

Going uptown

Getting that dime

Get up and do it

It’s a beautiful day

Going to be fine

I’m staying alive

I want to live

I’m going thrive 

Get up and Do it

I want to live

I’m staying alive

It’s a beautiful day

I’m going to thrive

Get up and do it

I’m going to live

I’m staying alive

Get up and do it

It’s a beautiful day

I’m going to thrive

Get up and do it

By Kay Frances Gibbs

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Magnesium and muscle performance in older persons: the InCHIANTI study

 Magnesium and muscle performance in older persons: the InCHIANTI study

I had a serious pain in my right shoulder.   I ate some high carb foods and took some magnesium sulfate.  The next day it the pain was gone.

YouTube - The Day The Earth Caught Fire Full Movie Part 1 of 13

Haven’t seen it.

You know…

you people hand down all of these precepts, “only in the movies”, you pummel us with all kinds of horror and tragedy, then berate us because we don’t have a clue what’s going on around us, we don’t know what war is really like and then you walk away with a pocket full of money in the process.

HOW THE H-E-GOLF CLUB-GOLF CLUB (Maddow I hope you don’t mind if I borrow that idea) ARE WE SUPPOSE TO REACT?

The War Game (1965) - IMDb

Haven’t seen it…

The War Game (1965) - IMDb

Ratigan, “people don’t realize how violent war is”?

Best/Worst "War" Titles

…and they didn’t list “The Dirty Dozen”.   I haven’t forgotten any of those news reports about Cambodia and Vietnam and what went on over there.  

What we haven’t seen enough of I think is the aftermath of war.


“why don’t you try some”

Not for sale…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Gid up and do it…updating

Where has all our freedoms gone…

long time passing

where have all our freedoms gone

long time ago

where have all our freedoms gone

CEOs have picked them everyone

When will they ever learn

when will they ever learn…


I think you’re good at reporting facts but lets face it, the Corporations have a stranglehold on politics and they are trying to get one on our pocketbooks.

I mean the writing is on the wall about what is going on.  Let’s face it.   They are dumbing down the masses with television and drugs, taking our rights to protect our incomes and then when they do raise the minimum wage the cost of living goes up so the blue collar man can’t win.  In the midst of all that, we are swamped with buying jargon, buy this buy that, you need this you need that. 

If we rebel they shoot us, lock us up and send us to mental health where we are drugged up, turned into living zombies, robots.


“I want you to get that $100.00 out of that woman’s savings account”.


Anti-abortion law…

Up the penalty for rape.

With all of this stuff going on one can only think someone has a death wish…

If it isn’t an earthquake…

…it’s a tornado, or a damned war or terrorism or some nuclear reactor screw-up keeping people upset and worried and unable to sleep.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gid up and do it…updating

I’m gonna live

I’m stayin alive

It’s a beautiful day

I’m gonna thrive

Gid up and do it

People try to put me down

So that train of thought

It flows through my mind

I’m stayin on track

Wastin no time

I’m gettin somewhere

I’m staying alive

I’m gonna live

It’s a beautiful day

I’m gonna thrive

Gid up and do it

I’m gonna live

I’m staying alive

Gid up and do it

It’s a beautiful day

I’m gonna thrive

Gid up and do it

By Kay Frances Gibbs

This Cd ~ Castenada ~ Partin…

I got rid of this Cd in 2003, I sold it to School Kids records or Wherehouse records downtown.  I had to drug up after listening to this thing it’s too “hot”.

Someone sure liked it though.  It is Flamenco music.

obsession music

Just some of the receipts I have…

Another example would be the accusations I hear constantly about stealing, like I am a shoplifter or someone calling me a LIAR.   I then frequently go through my receipts contained in a 30 lb box to remind myself that I am not a thief.   This is apparently a projection from someone who thinks I am a shoplifter.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?


looks familiar


Saturday, March 26, 2011

What happens here when you read something like this…

…one tends to accept the author’s interpretation unless one is knowledgeable on the subject of projection and projective identification.   If one understands projection and projective identification then one would recognize that the interpretation is in error.  The girlfriend is identifying with the man’s feminine aspects, his hair and/or she  is projecting thoughts that were directed toward her about her own hair which she then projected onto him as she was viewing him from behind.

Once one has processed this information one tends to think in terms of the erroneous information and all of that information will be in error.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Of import…

Example…update 4

I am always feeling sorry for other people who seem to be having a hard time, in fact those are the thoughts of others who have felt sorry for or pitied me.  Sometimes it is only in projecting the thoughts from ourselves that enables us to be aware of what others are thinking about us.   I have been so inundated with projections that I hardly think I have had a chance or even the developmental capacity to project into others, although the television has programmed me to do so.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Here I think it is…updated

Another example would be the accusations I hear constantly about stealing, like I am a shoplifter or someone calling me a LIAR.   I then frequently go through my receipts contained in a 30 lb box to remind myself that I am not a thief.   This is apparently a projection from someone who thinks I am a shoplifter.

I do not steal other people’s stories and turn them into films either.  I have never written a book or film about anyone.

This person knows who they are and they know I know who they are.

There is a darned golf player hanging around in here…

…I keep seeing someone swinging something…

Tin Cup maybe.

Here I think it is…updated

…not the man who wants to comb his own hair which he has projected onto the woman but it is his girlfriend who wants to comb his hair and she has transferred or projected these thoughts onto him…

The dreamer is unconscious of his own feminine qualities.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Of import…

Michael Riley in Cube Zero…

…he is also in Super Volcano, I did see this film.  Woke me up.

Supervolcano (TV 2005) - IMDb

I thought the WTC was in Washington State…

I was extremely confused when they kept saying that the buildings had collapsed in New York.  I had seen something on the internet that made me think it was in Washington State, it was a protest of some kind…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Cube – 1997…

Cube – 1997…

Wake County Jail is a 7 story jail with 4 pods and about 25 cells in each pod.  I was there in 1994 and 1995.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Owen character…

Owen character…

Dream Catcher…

Shawshank Redemption - 1994

What I did after seeing the basketball player…

…I put on this eye patch I have over my left eye and I saw this white spot about an inch in diameter.  I couldn’t get what was going o  I have never seen that version of that movie.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Last night I watched…updated

Cube Zero scene

Johnny Mnemonic…

microphone image

Last night I watched…updated

…VCU play Florida.  One of the VCU players rubbed his left eye like he was having trouble seeing… Haley I think

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Someone’s seen this…updated

My Aunt and Uncle used to live in Richmond, they are dead now. 

Update:  I was in Norfolk and Portsmouth in 1993.

The Apocalypse…

…these people who believe it are bringing it about…

Someone’s seen this…updated

Cube Zero (Video 2004) - IMDb

My neighbor has been using a cane…she’s the one who’s hauling that movie…

Friday, March 25, 2011

This happened during my trial in 1997…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Doesn’t this constitute a mistrial?

My very adequate lawyer, a Duke graduate, sat in his chair while the District Attorney made slanderous remarks about me to the jury, a person he knew nothing about nor had ever met before that day.  Was he even mentally fit to prosecute?   More professional people in this arena would have been appalled at his behavior.  I was even shocked and I was on trial.  I thought that was only something that happened in the movies.

My mother’s second husband had been in trouble numerous times for traffic violations and drinking and driving eventually losing his license, his father was an alcoholic.  That was never mentioned either and what I had hoped to bring out in court.  My attorney, court appointed I might add, did nothing simply because he was court appointed, therefore, as I mentioned in a complaint, I was not fairly or impartially but, was prejudiciously represented in the case. 

Everyone in my car before I left for Fort McClellan Alabama.  I hope you all get the message here from these children…

mom, JT et al in the mustang 1974

My father was guilty of driving while intoxicated, so were some of my Uncles and older cousins, never getting caught.   There are numerous television shows I viewed where drinking and driving was involved.  I am acquainted with numerous other people who drive while intoxicated on medications, benzodiazepines and various other prescription meds.  How can an impartial jury claim beyond doubt that I willfully drove my car without a license?   My mother’s husband did, I know that for a fact and had been told that by my mother.   Programmed to do the same thing?

Saw this more than 10 years ago…

Johnny Mnemonic (1995) - IMDb

Doesn’t this constitute a mistrial?

Therefore she cannot be tried again on the same charges as that would be “double jeopardy”.

Kissel's 2005 conviction was overturned last year because prosecutors improperly cross-examined her and the original judge allowed hearsay evidence.

American Convicted in Hong Kong 'Milkshake Murder' - ABC News

It’s a movie…

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nerve attentuation…

what happens when the mind is split off, like what happened to Susan

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kay Gibbs

Copy of KAY MULTI5Copy of KayFreshman Copy of kayarmy

Did not know this one saw her around a bit…might be mixed up with her…


GNC is promoting Netflix…

Sally Stone…

college classmate

sally stonesally stone 2

You people who think about nothing but STORIES…

…can’t even tell the difference between a story and real life or what someone is living through…regardless, I lived through it, acted it out, felt the pain, got hurt by all this stuff… IT’S MY EXPERIENCE and as far as I am concerned you can take your state of playing asses the hell away from me.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: I’m not giving you the gist of a damned movie…

Of import…

Copy of vl-pg 84

More here…

engelhard, NC don green house

…he owned a place called Sound Side a dance hall/skating rink, sold beer and other beverages…Flew a small prop plane, dusted crops, played guitar and was a DJ.  Claimed he once played in one of Cher’s bands.

He actually looks like Ted Gunderson.


 bathing nude[2]

I got out of prison in January…went to stay with my sister in Wake Forest, then went back to Wilmington…then went to Hyde…

I wrote The Audacious Avarice…I’m nothing like the person in the story though…an avarice of souls…living in Don Green house when I wrote it…I did an introductory thing with this Writer’s Club via Writer’s Digest, they wanted too much for the stuff and I was informed they would take advantage of my work so I sent the material back…

engelhard, NC don green house big house on Elm Street WEstwood, CA

I watched Wag the Dog there also.  I have receipts from all the films I rented around that time, up to and after 9/11.

Dream Catcher, some things in that film might be connected or at least made me wonder…

Lived behind this building just before going to the hospital…

store in front of barn 264 engelhard

I committed myself in to the psychiatric hospital, June, my sister took me there…I had a breakdown…

then I went to the VA hospital from there and then to Chapel Hill.

I am obeying legal orders…

not Mirren’s not yours Mike, no one else’s…

Chapter VI – In the Depths of the Abyss – Chapter X…updated

Unamuno – A Tragic Sense of Life.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?

From Vertical Labyrinth ~ Albert Camus

Instead of killing and dying in order to produce the being that we are not, we have to live and let live in order to create what we are. The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations is licensed from Columbia University Press. Copyright © 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998 by Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

vl-pg 84

Vertical Labyrinth…

Vertical Labyrinth – page 15, Unamuno noted that “man, by the very fact of being man, of possessing consciousness, is, in comparison with the ass and the crab, a diseased animal.   Consciousness is a disease.” Footnote14 – Unamuno – A Tragic Sense of Life.

Carlos Castenada – Patricia Partin?

“A certain intellectual laziness, combined with an inertia of the libido, makes us a critical in the face of the world.  We look at reality with an infinite number of prejudices, on general absorbed through the educational process”, page 84, VL - “we don’t need no educations, teacher leave those kids alone”…

“Will it go round in circles, will it fly high…”

Copy (2) of tv monitor

The Vertical Labyrinth…updated

Picture 012 

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Professional Pharmacy…updating…

Stayin Alive ~ I’m goin no where ~ constantly working in the same place ~ the work changes but you never get anywhere, constantly dumped on…Prisoner ~ I’m your prisoner…

I’m not giving you the gist of a damned movie…



EDA ~ As I mentioned…

I worked for Corning, manufacturing computer chips in 80-82, got laid off, was not happy about it, went to work painting houses, then got a job at a hair salon…receptionist

Electronic design automation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the choline has any kind of neuro-inhibitory effect at all…

…it might explain how he (Sonny if he was taking it), could have succumbed to someone’s memories he was enmeshed with and crashed into the tree, if that is what really happened…or it simply improved his memories so that he was able to pinpoint people he was enmeshed with who might have been dealing drugs…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Buying the choline in 1995 is the same event as buying it in 2005…

Buying the choline in 1995 is the same event as buying it in 2005…

…only I weeded through the stuff and found the accurate location, Nevada…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: I was using Choline Chloride in 1995…updating…is this enough?

This is true…I don’t know about how he came about the money…

They were later burned down.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?

Smokey and the Bandit…

also Walking Tall…

Ted Gunderson…update 3

…he looks a bit like the Agent I went to see in 1986, only this man was thin like Gray Davis and resembled Gray Davis as well..

The Sheriff in my hometown was hired by the DEA…updating

…his cousin is running the bank in our hometown…he was involved in a major drug bust in Hyde, stopping and arresting drivers of a tractor trailer loaded with marijuana that had come in from a boat in the sound, I was not living there are the time but heard about it.  I got mixed up with the Sheriff’s department in 1996 when I got arrested.

SONNY Bono, former husband and singing partner of superstar Cher, was clubbed to death by hit men on the orders of drug and weapons dealers who feared he was going to expose them, a former FBI agent claims.

It was rumored that he had taken money from the bust and built condos in Hyde, that never rented.  They were later burned down.  I have to wonder if there wasn’t something going on in Nevada related to this…

I was using Choline Chloride in 1995…updating…is this enough?

…which I purchased at a health food store for my gallbladder.   I bought more in 2005 or so from a place in Nevada…

World Health Center

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Screws…

1995 – I stayed with my mother for several months, then I was driving back and forth between Wilmington, Raleigh and Greenville, I stayed at hotels in these various places, alone, I was taking all sorts of vitamins, frequented Harmony Farms, hooked up with this guy at IHOP for a few days, he told me he swiped a handful of cash from this guy’s car then I moved on.   I think I got hooked into this stuff when I slept in the parking lot of the IHOP in a car with another woman who I met at the shelter, we went to see Bette Midler at Walnut Creek.   Before this is when I witnessed a shelter resident eating corn starch, she was severely underweight.   I did eat at the IHOP before this because I liked their chocolate chip pancakes and I ate there in the 80’s and I frequented the restaurant while attending AA.

I frequented the NCSU track during the day for exercise running up and down the steps in the  bleachers, ( also one who uses bleach, could relate to the wash woman nick name and the Ripper).   Could be part of some Greek athlete’s story or Althea’s Gibbs’ story.

1996, I had the accident in Wilmington.  Then I stayed at the beach.  Then I went back to Hyde County where I got an apartment, then got arrested, locked up, lost my apartment, lived with my cousins, then went to prison for 4 months.   Then I acted out, was sent to NCCIW for meds, sent back to FCCW, then put in solitary for most of my stay where I wrote and drew some.  Placed in a dormitory, then drew the colored pictures, enmeshed with other prisoners, heard some stories witnessed pot smoking in courtyard…the saga continued until 1999.

One would not believe the horrors I have seen in my own country and the way some people have been forced to live…

Now here this…

I fully intend writing my story, in detail, including some of the ripper stuff.  I’m not doing it now so take a powder. 

I am working on something else right now important to me, upon request…so please stop trying to help me write the Ripper story.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And I just can’t get that image of those psychologists interviewing…

those people on their marketing ideas in Adam Curtis’ film Century of the Self.   Basically ripping them off and using the participants’ ideas for themselves, then patenting the ideas and pocketing the money.

It might be Democratic for the corporations but it sure as hell is communist thinking to me.  It isn’t just about self, it’s about communist control over masses of people.

Creative license with someone else’s mind?

There is another communist idea…and locking people up or even killing them when they rebel against such abuse?   Hitler never had it so good.

And you think I am dangerous?

…if you like communism, you want everybody’s face in the TV move to China.


“These people won’t know what hit’m”.

Hmmm…interesting democratic idea.

Crime is down but the prison population is increasing?

We need more privately owned prisons fewer mental health facilities?

This does not compute. 


No you don’t force people you trick people, you manipulate their free will so it appears they have consented to do whatever and I don’t know which is worse.  Even the idea of the death wish was manufactured by someone’s faulty thinking.  It’s really about not getting the boob as a baby.  So you’ve used that to your advantage selling people anything from milk to booze, and the TV is the babysitter.Copy (2) of tv monitor

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Sometimes people have a hard time comprehending what they…

Monday, March 21, 2011

YouTube - The Zanti Misfits

zanti misfitsCopy of Copy of KAY MULTI5

I was living in C-2 at Camelot when I drew this…

My apartment had just been repaired after the flood in 2000, it was May that I did the first sketch, this is the second, a derivation…Phillips had been lifted…she cleaned out some of the music I think…

Copy of COPY OF WOMAN ON CROSS[6].jpg (image)


This event occurred on September 7, 1993.  I have 14 handwritten pages detailing the days leading up to and after the incident that occurred in the pharmacy parking lot.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Professional Pharmacy…updating…

Picture 010

Kay Gibbs has had no alcohol since Christmas…

…at which time I had several non-alcoholic beers and a tablespoon of Grand Marnier.  I had no alcohol for a whole year prior to this at which time I had two beers and prior to that it had been a year since I had had any alcohol.   I had no alcohol for 6 months prior to this…

A Wave…

Picture 009

a wave

Stuff I’ve been taking…



P2120006  P2270002 P2270003

P3160008 P3160009

Area Code 404

Vista Grove

Area Code 404

Area Code 419


Area Code 419

I’ve been getting phone calls from 202-315-5361 thru 5368 - updated


419-910-1903 - wireless

404-935-0279 – private number

P3200028 P3200029   P3200032 P3200033 P3200034  P3200037

Sunday, March 20, 2011

While living here…1989-90

I was lifting weights.  I had a weight bench and a set of barbells.   I later found a picture of Marilyn Monroe when she was lifting some weights, so I later figured it was something from Marilyn Monroe…I had been in the Psyche Hospital before wanting to hang myself with the rope I used to make a weight lifting device suspended from the door sill in my apartment…

Then I saw the film Final Analysis, I still didn’t get it about Marilyn until I saw a documentary about her suspected murder…the Doctor claimed there were contusions all over her body…

It was while living here and after my fight that I did the damage to the house and threw the pipe into the pond, then went to prison…I kept a dream journal prior to this and had a most lengthy and detailed dream, as if it were an account someone was telling, which I recorded prior to this event, I only recently connected to these events.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Receipts from Susan…

I drank a few beers with Wyoming on occasion…not frequently

…Deader Than a Door Nail, novel – my mother read it…I thought it might be about my father.

I drank very little from 1993 to 1998.   I was too busy trying to keep my wits about me and stay alive as I was homeless…I had some wine in 1995…then I went to a motel…


I did this before I knew about Sonny…I had taken the cross down from the ceiling fan chain and placed it exactly where you see it, on this shelf I had made…when I discovered Sonny might have been killed I freaked out, the cross was still where I had put it and this is when I started putting things together…rather this is when I started getting serious about what was happening to me…

screws on boards

The return of Giotto's Crucifix | View from the Bow

The return of Giotto's Crucifix | View from the Bow


I ate at a Chinese Restaurant in Goldsboro, NC

…with Helen Spear…

Receipts from Susan…

receipts for rent paid to susan

Arizona Ave, Westminster

Arizona Ave Westminster

University Mall, Chapel Hill


Professional Pharmacy…updating…

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Orange County Bus routes - Westminster…updating

In 1994, I, Kay Gibbs, was walking up the street after having stopped in at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (this could be slang for something else), my ex-roommate drove by in her truck and stopped in the parking lot and waited for me to get there.   We had a conversation and she asked me if I was angry with her and I admitted I was, then I asked her to take me to the IHOP to get something to eat.  She drove me to the IHOP and we talked and she wouldn’t go in with me for a cup of coffee then she left.   I got to the motel and she called me on the phone, then the next thing I know police are knocking on my door.  She claimed i had jumped into the back of her truck moving down the street and threatened her with a pistol (which I do not own) concealed under the blue denim shirt I had across my arm. 

This is what led me to think there was some sort of drug deal going on in the area that might have gone wrong or something…

Update - What I think really went down – I think Sonny was mixed up with someone who frequented some drug dealer in this are or maybe went for medication at the drug store.   I think he met with some ex maybe Cher for dinner or some other matter…I think this person might have been an artist and had pawned something for money for drugs or medication…or maybe he owned the dealer some money.   Then something else with the truck was mixed up in it and apparently someone jumped into the back of a truck with a weapon…

Update - Trask Avenue – Cube and Hypercube – Vertical Labyrinth – EDA -

Wyoming Street, Westminster, Ca -

pro pharmacy

This is where my incident occurred…this property has changed since the incident, there was a gravel parking lot and no other stores, just a small Pharmacy…I used to live on a street on the opposite side of the road from the pharmacy just a block or so away…

whitaker drug store

I think the tree in this image below might be what I was seeing on the bike path, an acquaintance of mine used the name Wyoming occasionally…

wyoming street westminsterdecaying treetree on path

bolin creek path 2010 1