Saturday, March 26, 2011

Example…update 4

I am always feeling sorry for other people who seem to be having a hard time, in fact those are the thoughts of others who have felt sorry for or pitied me.  Sometimes it is only in projecting the thoughts from ourselves that enables us to be aware of what others are thinking about us.   I have been so inundated with projections that I hardly think I have had a chance or even the developmental capacity to project into others, although the television has programmed me to do so.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Here I think it is…updated

Another example would be the accusations I hear constantly about stealing, like I am a shoplifter or someone calling me a LIAR.   I then frequently go through my receipts contained in a 30 lb box to remind myself that I am not a thief.   This is apparently a projection from someone who thinks I am a shoplifter.

I do not steal other people’s stories and turn them into films either.  I have never written a book or film about anyone.

This person knows who they are and they know I know who they are.

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