Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just viewed this film…

NOVA | How Does the Brain Work?

It was interesting especially when they got to the segment on artificial intelligence and Watson.  The film did seem to give reasoning as to why and how I became entangled with all of the drivers and passengers at the intersection after the automobile hit the woman at the opposite corner.  What I noticed that disturbed me is that they were still programming people’s minds to be deceived by what they saw rather than programming them to avoid deception.

In addition to the music I had been listening to, I had also programmed my brain to focus on all the things I perceived around me.   I did this programming every night for a period of time.   I think this was actually what drew my attention and focus back to the accident and to the other things going on which I had not focused or which were unconscious but were still perceived by my brain and were going on during the accident.

The above description is the unconscious I am talking about to which we have been distracted from and deceived about.   It’s like that hunch you get or that intuitive feeling one gets but you are not quite sure about because most of us have not been trained to focus on it or to use it to our advantage.   

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