Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just found this…

Kristen - You will go back and forth through the list of occupations that you think you are qualified for (Secretary, Nurse, Cafeteria Lady, whatever), and your gonna get denied by all of your choices. Then your last choice is to become a pornstar because you thought that that is the highest paid occupation.  Next your of course going to have to get implants. Then during the plastic surgery, you are going to have a tragic accident. All the $10,000 worth of surgery you bought only led to cutting off any sign of breasts you had. Then you are gonna marry some dude that has a plastic dick becasue he got it cut off similar to your incident. You'll have one kid who has really fucked up genitals.

Chase - You'll be living down the shore and owning some… | ItKeepsSayingUsernameIsInvalid on Xanga

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