Wednesday, August 10, 2011

All of the essential amino acids have some degree of hydrophobicity…

What's Been in Kay's Brain? What's In Her Mind?: Increasing fat does slow brain activity but…

Hydrophobic Amino Acids

…this means they absorb fat.   This also means that wherever they go in the body, fat is going with them.   If you are a bodybuilder wanting to build muscle this is a good thing as increasing the BCAAS, fat and even carbohydrates will help pack on some fat and energy for those strenuous workout routines, which then gets burned off.   A body building diet is contraindicated for one who is sedentary. 

Women bending down and picking up their babies helps burn abdominal fat but once that is over and the diet doesn’t change, then fat will start to accumulate because those muscles are no longer being used as they were.   The body was trained to burn the fat and/or carbs in that area.   If you are one who sits in a chair all day you are likely to accumulate fat in the gluteus maximus and medius areas, especially if you were once active and walked a lot.   Training other areas of the body while in this sedentary state might help prevent the fat from packing on in those areas that are not being exercised as much and yes of course getting more exercise in general is best for good health.   And if you are not a body builder, eating small meals frequently to sustain energy and moderate exercise like walking, while maintaining one’s metabolic rate as mentioned by Dr. Andes in her Making Nutrition Clear Program from the Teaching Company is the best solution to preventing weight gain.  This was the best advice my Doctor gave me about maintaining my weight.  If you input info about bodybuilding into the brain you will end up packing on more weight than necessary.

If you are already over weight, reducing calories and more exercise is the best solution to losing the fat.

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