Saturday, December 10, 2011

Once again semantics becomes an issue…

…ie, “I have to finish cleaning my apartment today”.  To Kay, the speaker, it connotes dusting, sweeping, mopping, dish washing, walking clothes to the laundry, LITERALLY.   To writers and film makers and those who call themselves CLEANERS, (“would you press my shirts please, I like a little starch"), this housekeeping means taking out things of the mind by writing a book or diary or film script which includes extensive dialoguing, thought generation and consumption by the writer and exhausting synaptic activity that occupies ones time while trying to do the real housekeeping (which they have cleaned out of your mind so you have to create it again) so much so that you get nothing done.   One might even find one’s self locked into the chair for hours while this is going on.

Kay is a literal person and she means to be taken literally.   She knows where things come from in her mind and she will tell you.   If she cannot find the origin she will tell you that too. 

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