Monday, November 21, 2011

I’ve been sitting here at this computer for 8-10 hours day after day for the past 4-5 years…

What's In Kay's Mind?: I think this is the primitive animal instinct in certain species…update 4

…reading writing, thinking and wondering.

As I wrote certain species whose instincts are to rip into the flesh of another have sublimated this tendency into ripping into the minds and thoughts of another, probably driven by desire.   I think philosophers danced all around this reality in their earliest days.   From animals evolving, desiring to be human probably because humans seemed to have a nack for easily acquiring food, devouring thoughts that have nothing to do with the body’s or brain’s evolution.   In this pursuit they fail to enjoy being themselves or living their own lives.

It must have been Leonard’s feminine that killed Virginia Woolf, maybe Woolf was depressed at the discovery of his own nature.

No it was the removal of his projections that reawakened her childhood despair and the history that was plaguing the people of that time, like the Ripper murders. 

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