Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Re: FMF…updated

What's In Kay's Mind - Connecting The Dots: Re: Familial Mediterranean Fever – I wrote a story titled Tranquility Island…

Hospital, stabbing pain, sketch of bird, woman with no head, story about tranquility island I think now might have been Sicily (Mt. Etna), two girls or a girl and a boy swimming from Sicily to Italy, I don’t think there is any way they would have made it from Pompeii to Corsica or Sardinia unless they swam along the shore line.  

If what I drew in 1975 is a pyroclastic cloud then it’s not related to Mt. St. Helen's.   But, Lyell’s fork and Durer’s Pond have me stumped.   Volcanic eruption in 1175-1250 BC in US???  Something certainly caused those trees to appear the way they did.   Who was Durer connected to, some deceased Anasazi?    His volcano could be Etna oe one in Europe ~ Little Ice Age.   Maybe some boys were swimming in the pool at the gymnasium when Pompeii erupted.

Tranquility Island ~ no earthquakes or eruptions or rumblings…something about birdman and Alcatraz came up too – related it to the story I wrote but story was about two young people swimming away only one got caught up in the island and stayed…

Elba?????   Prisoner

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