Friday, February 17, 2012

LSD experience…correction, updated

Several years ago I found this image online.  It most resembled that which I saw during my LSD experience in June or July, 1974.   I dismissed it as I didn’t believe in psychic connections and had little knowledge of it at the time of the experience and little more at the time I discovered the image.   I had assumed my experiences came solely from me and what I had been looking at on the TV at the time of the LSD and PCP experiences.   Not having been to London, I decided it must have been a flag which I have seen many times.

After reading Mind to Mind, Entangled Minds and Dream Telepathy and then connecting a 1972 experience with the Hall Van de Castle experiments in California and Chapel Hill, NC, I had to go back and rethink what I was seeing during the LSD episode.   I was in a parking lot and I was looking at a fence during the experience.   Certain but not yet confirmed that the experiments conducted by Hall and Van de Castle were acted out by my father and I or we were already entangled in that experiment, it was clear I was connected to someone in London England who might have taken some LSD or some other hallucinogenic while hanging out in that parking deck or the LSD simply let me see without acting it out, what someone walking down Dorsett Street was seeing sometime in their history and was apparently focused on it.    It was between 8 PM and 10 PM when I took the substance which likely means around 2:00 AM, someone in London was hanging out in the parking deck or on Dorsett Street.

Update:  The front of the vehicle would be facing you as you look at the image and located between the column and the railing.

Correction:  The vehicle was located on the other side of the column away from the railing.  

Update:  There was a column just ahead of the vehicle in my set up but there was no roof so it is possible they were on the top deck which would be rather risky taking LSD.   I also connected the Sherlock Holmes film The Woman in Green to me nearly jumping off the parking deck in Durham, NC across from the VA Hospital.   This is what led me to think it was a military person then Sophocles.

Update:  I was in a Green VW Beetle and the door was open.   There were four or five of us.   One guy was walking toward me and as he approached his face was framed in the open window of my VW.  That’s when his face turned gold.   Then I looked across the hood of the car toward the fence and it started to move like a a flag waving in the wind.   I started to get a bit paranoid at that point and I left.  As mentioned previously, after arriving home I sat down in the recliner to try and collect myself.  This was all new to me.   I laid back and tried to focus on the ceiling light and it started to spin.   I have since connected that to a ceiling fan as I have one in my living room and I have experienced it in my own psyche.  Pubs often have ceiling fans and I had been frequenting the Village Pub just days before this experience which did not have a ceiling fan.   I went to bed but was too paranoid to sleep.  Then I started to see the words sleep pass before my eyes like a ticker tape.   In the past few years I have become certain this was a subliminal message used on the TV screen possibly during The Woman In Green film.   Motivation;  the Great Depression.

It has recently occurred to me Mr. John Watson might also have been mixed up in this and he might have experimented with LSD during his years at the Pentagon.  His father was the superintendent of a prison located in my hometown area so he stated, it might be The John B. Watson I’m not sure, that is who he called himself.  He did not look like him.   I have no knowledge of the history of that prison in Hyde County during his childhood.   This means much of the baggage Mr. Johnnie Watson had is likely loaded with criminals.  He did see my father the day before his suicide.

Copy of 300px-DorsetStreet2006[1]

DorsetStreet 3

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