Monday, September 26, 2011

Otto Rank – Santa Claus sketch thought was Rank decided was Partin…

Jack Lemmon dialogue – “like a bunch of lemmings running right to the cliff except some lemmings never make it to the cliff” – something like that…

Dialogue from Strangler in the Swamp - “it’s a sign for you to make the sacrifice Joseph and lift the curse.” “Yes Joseph give yourself to the will of the strangler and the spell will be broken forever.”  “Who told you - Jenkins told me, he is a wise man…”  There is more dialogue later in the film.

I have to wonder how many 60’s children were forced from their parents’ homes as sacrifices not knowing what was happening to them, just like what happened in my family.  Sacrificed with out asking.

Was Patricia Partin one such person?  Did she feel compelled to leave her home and put her life in the hands of Castenada?

[Gen%2520Davis%2520Woman%2520who%2520came%2520back%255B3%255D.jpg]     bloody marysanta[2]

“Probably came from New York” (dialogue from someone) and I think the bridge I photographed below was one similar I was seeing in Vermont…


Bethel Bridge In Vermont…notice it also has a foot bridge, might be what I was seeing…There is a Bethel near  Greenville, NC where the above photo was taken…

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