Wednesday, September 28, 2011


“splitting, repression and enmeshment”.

It has taken me awhile to realize this because of all of the poorly written information on the subject, including the Bible.  Enmeshing one’s self with another gives one the opportunity to split (in the case of willful splitting) off part of one’s mental state (the mind), or project that part of the self onto another.    Repression is a matter of blocking mental content from becoming part of one’s consciousness.   Repression seems to require an incredible amount of focus and control over one’s neuronal activity.   This I think is what many gurus are able to do in their practice but for conscious reasons of health and well being.   One who has suffered a traumatic experience will repress that experience until a time they are able to deal with the trauma.  This is what I have learned.   It is what happened to me, although my circumstances were not such that I was able to get the appropriate help I needed.   Since that time I regressed and fell into poor coping habits again.   For me I think it is pathological because there are so many traumas and unhealthy content in my brain.   This of course has nothing to do with the mind or content of the minds of others projected onto me.

“Listen to me”…  

No, how do you think I can hear you?   I heard everything here you were trying to dictate to me.  That is splitting and/or dissociation and enmeshment.

This would be an enmeshment.

[Gen%2520Davis%2520Woman%2520who%2520came%2520back%255B3%255D.jpg]bloody mary

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