Friday, July 22, 2011

Some of this was going on while I was living with my mother in 1995…updated

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: My dream…updated

I was overcome with paranoia even after taking the Prozac I was prescribed by Dr. Greenblatt, in Nash County where I had fist started hearing voices.  This was after my involvement with Susan Warren Becker who is from Nash County and has a degree in Psychology and was an employee of the Sate of North Carolina.  I retraced her steps back to that hospital, not deliberately mind you but quiet unconsciously as I was not aware of the nature of entanglements as I am becoming.   Again my psychiatric problems, many born as the result of the television, prevented this awareness, while it also kept me out of other things and often the things I needed to be kept out of were too horror laden or violent to watch.

I have taken herbs for other reasons and so has my mother. 

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