Saturday, July 30, 2011

Involuntary servitude…UPDATED

…promoted by subliminal messages from television promoting the advertising of various products, messages that are frequently no longer hidden from one’s immediate view but are worded and presented in a way so as to get the viewer to buy the product.   Seduction is still frequently used, I can’t help but think of the chocolate advertisement which uses strawberries, melted chocolate and a seductive female voice to lure you into buying their product.   Voices that appeal to children are used.   This is the subliminal technology of today.

Now what happens when we really begin to educate people about themselves. We get a big reduction in crime. Oh boy, yippee! But wait. What happens when we get that big reduction in crime? Oh no, not that! Yes I'm afraid so. The prison budget goes down. In NC in 1997, the State received $30,000 for every person that walked through the gates of a prison. This is another standard that could use some readjustment. With this increase in knowledge we would also get fewer people sitting in counselors and psychiatrists offices.

Kay's Commentary

Several years ago (I rarely view TV now and I stopped watching the news) in an effort to improve my reality I started viewing more educational television.   I thought viewing Super Volcano might be helpful.  Later I found myself making an Amazon shopping list for disaster products.  This is just an example of the effect it can have on the human mind and of course it is important to be disaster prepared.   I haven’t purchased these products because my most immediate concern for my survival is FOOD which costs a considerable amount of money.   I could have died from starvation but I would have a locker full of disaster equipment that would probably never be used and in the end someone else has the benefit of my hard work on combing through pages of products to find just the right equipment to buy AND MY BRAIN IS THE ONE FILLED WITH ALL THE IMAGES OF ALL THIS EQUIPMENT AND I AM THE ONE WHO HAS TO TAKE THE DRUGS TO BLOCK THE CREATION OF THESE IMAGES.  THIS IS INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE.  THIS IS HOW THE HUMAN MIND IS MANIPULATED FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS.

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