Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Paddock is or was a gay club…

Not knowing a great deal about British History I cannot say what club it was but I suspect gay referred to cheerful, happy, jubilant something like that.   My appearing there came from the EMEW club at Fort Gordon, GA, Private Benjamin and When Time Ran Out.   Probably some personal history of my father’s on Long Beach or Long Island, and an incident in the dance hall in my home town where I was given a pill, probably because I was not sleeping at all, and I keeled over in the chair, which is the same thing that happened to me in the EMEW club, I blacked out before the tow women got me out of the club.   I guess they got a lesson in hauling dead weight and by that time they realized I didn’t need to be there.

I don’t know if this was a club in Georgia or Alabama or not.

Somewhere in this Little House on the Prairie seems to fit in with the break working loose on the wagon, in those films it seemed they tended to focus on those kinds of things happening.   I had had a similar experience when the brake line on my mustang wore out and had to be replaced, then it was left loose on my Toyota FX in 1992 after being repaired.  This was not the case in 1976 on my mustang.

It was an Italian managed dealership, and I suppose it was done because I purchased a foreign car but I could not afford lots of repairs or big gas bills to operate the vehicle, it seemed the most logical choice for me and having owned one previously I knew the vehicle well.

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