Saturday, July 9, 2011

More ACLU chit chat with Chuz…updated

So how do you know I am not armed? I seem to be packing a load compared to your dribble and just what is it you are inferring about hand wringing? And how do you know I do or do not wring my hands? Got a problem with hand wringing Chuz? What's it to you if I do? Want to make something of it? Exercise your creativity on someone else!

Chuz, I don't recall that I expended any emotional energy on your behalf.

The fact of the matter is, there is still the echo of that old edict, "no free lunches" bouncing around as well. The upper class have their little private abortions no one knows about and nothing is ever made public, then they pass their sinful deeds on to the poor, who become the actors, not of their own free will, upon a stage not of their own choosing, while the rich sit back and decide what should and shouldn't be legal. The poor (most often those enlisted in the military and veterans) then become subjected to the stress and humiliation of the sins of the rich, the poor become the persecuted, and the prosecuted.

re: the rape scenario, why Betty was unable to respond to the situation in an effective and self protecting manner...

Handbook for the Assessment of Dissociation: a clinical guide, Chapter 2 Dissociation and Trauma, by Dr. Marlene Steinberg

Dissociation as Fragmentation of Consciousness

In the context of this book, dissociation will be used to mean the dissociation of consciousness from some other personal aspect or capacity that is normally integrated with consciousness. This usage explains why dissociation can be considered an altered state of consciousness.

During a dissociative episode, the mental contents that are dissociated from full consciousness remain, on some peripheral level of awareness; from this perspective, dissociation can also be defined as a fragmentation of consciousness. In other words, not only does dissociation imply the separation of a process from consciousness it also implies the separation of a "part consciousness" from a "main consciousness" or ( phenomenal awareness ). The actual mechanisms of dissociation are related to a variety of phenomena, including habitual and automatic activities, parallel processing, neuropsychophysiologic state-dependent learning, and deviations between executive and monitoring functions or between mental representations of the self and representations of experience, thought, and action ( Braum 1984; Hilgard 1986;Kihlstrom 1987; Kilhstrom and Hoyt 1990 ).

Now lets see I need to get down on Chuz's level here so he can get the rift,

That's why the dumb bitch got into the car with the fucking bastard and that's how she knew that he was going to rape her, Chuz! I'm not talking deduced, surmised, speculated or guessed, I'm talking she knew his mind! He too had dissociated at the time he disclosed his molestation experience in the car while traveling to the beach. And doesn't it seem strange that he too, would consume a packet of thera-flu?  He didn’t even have a cold.

Dissociation as a Post Traumatic Symptom, Marlene Steinberg on Dissociation,

...these findings indicate that trauma, not only triggers dissociative defenses at the time of its infliction but causes long-term damage to the survivors psyche, in that he or she tends to interpret life in general, as being a negative or traumatic experience long after the initial abuse has ended. Moreover, survivors of abuse are often involved in reenactments of the early abusive relationship in their adult life. This pattern of revictimization was described in various ways by therapists of different theoretical orientations. Some use the term repetition compulsion to describe a survivor who is understood to be engaging in a reenactment of the original abuse to gain mastery over it.

In other words, why there are serial rapists and serial killers", GB ) Did Jack rape again? Who knows? Could he have become violent? Did this act extinguish his desire to rape again? Not likely.

Others use the terminology of life scripts and other phrases of Gestalt psychology to imply that abuse survivors learn to act out a victim script or self-fulfilling prophecy, and that this can be changed by a cognitive and perceptual reorientation. ( Stone 1989).

...Only which can be affected in the therapeutic process, which Betty had dutifully been denied by the failure of her insurance company to consider her diagnosis, at the time, anything other than pre-existing. Can this be considered contributory negligence? Can the Police Department's failure to arrest and prosecute Jack be considered negligent? If Jack rapes again, can the Police Department be held accountable? Does Betty's personal and psychiatric condition warrant the approval of an abortion? Was she competent enough to maintain a nine month pregnancy?

Chuz asks, "Are you aware that Missing Something and I BOTH support exceptions in cases of Rape? "

Why only rape?

Chuz asks, "Did you bother reading any of the posts in the thread before you started making your assumptions?"

Kay said:  Well I tried, but I couldn't get passed the belligerence, smart remarks and name characterizations, which seem to be more important than this discussion, for which I might add, that attitude becomes the reason so few critical issues involving mostly the poor and middle class, get resolved by anything other that the political machine, which wants to dictate our lives anyway.

Kay wrote..." Some use the term repetition compulsion to describe a survivor who is understood to be engaging in a reenactment..."

Which seems to be the drama both you and MS are acting out in this forum with me, in a symbolic attempt to dominate the opposite sex. It might be a good idea for you to explore this possibility.

The University here where I live houses 1095 books on the subject of Rape, 1742 books on Mental Illness, 1274 books on abortion, 1504 books on Privacy, 1842 books on Women's Rights, 5605 books on Feminism and 256 books on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, only 9 of which deal with the issue of Rape Trauma. These are obviously issues of such importance that they have been written about extensively and this is a rather small university compared to others. We are not going to go away and these are issues that are not going to go away or resolve themselves.

Chuz says...Go see the movie Good Will Hunting then... there's a part in there where he gets into an argument with some arrogant college student about the price of books and the value of individual thought, effort, and education.

"And just what do you think education is Chuz, four years of your own thoughts poured back into your own head? God forbid! Most of the books written on the subject of Rape, PTSD, Abortion, Child Abuse, Child Molestation, wouldn't have been written without someone having experienced it and most of the books are rarely authored by those who have. They are written mostly by those who have treated or done research on those who have actually been through all the suffering these self appointed gurus write about and the victims/subjects do not receive one dime in return, not to mention the fact that even mentioning a book or its author is free advertising ( Capitalist ideas at their best )". Goldbullet on Chuz's stupid remark, and I don't need a book or a movie to see that.

And so you think Television and the Movies aren't biased? Transparency Now, author Ken Sanes would argue that point. How many movies portray a woman trying to escape a killer, in full makeup, wearing a dress and high heel shoes, only to get tripped up by those shoes and caught? TV and Films for the most part, personify the notion held by the male population that women want to be raped, contributing to that erroneous attitude and when we shed the makeup, dress and shoes, we become dykes! When I was kidnapped and raped, I was not wearing makeup, high heel shoes, or a dress and I am no dyke! But then there's the male notion that "if a dyke got laid by a man she'd go straight", just maybe that's precisely the reason she became a dyke!  How many movies portray a woman actually defeating her abuser, rapist or killer? Get real Chuz!

I'm still curious as to how a single parent has the time to engage in such a prolific discussion, UNLESS you have misrepresented yourself? I'd be spending this valuable time with my child or improving on my job! Just curious...and I have a 9 year old niece, so this issue, all that surrounds it, and the future of our society in which she will exist is as important to me, as if she were my own child!

Chuz says, "HAAAA!!! You stupid idiot. Missing Something is a GIRL.(woman/lady/) And I'm a guy. You have just dessimated your own fucking tirade. I can't wait to see how you apply your damage control to that little fact. LOL what fun!

Yes it is Chuz, I've never enjoyed a better debate! So you think because MS is female that she can't experience repetition compulsion or the desire to dominate a woman? Shows what you know! And I can back that statement up with hard core experience. And since you mentioned the bit about the expense of education, I'll take another stab at the immutability of a Capitalistic Society, a society that profits from the ignorance of its citizens. What about the expense of the lives that suffered for the research in those books? What about the expense of those lives that die, before changes are made, laws are created, research is done, or drugs are developed?

MS wrote,""the detriment that the state would denying this choice" {Option} [Much like the detriment a woman poses to her and the man's unborn child"

Kay said: So you think because a man shoots off his sperm and impregnates a woman, the child becomes only his child, ( I quote, "the man's unborn child"") or only his responsibility?

Again this goes to the notion of male dominance over the female...and the child becomes an issue of possession ( like a football ) as opposed to the mutual sharing in the creation of an unborn human life! I suppose you think, only a man can have sex with a woman for the pure pleasure of it, without any emotional involvement, that a woman bears the duty of the emotional bonding, whether she has any feeling for the man who got her pregnant or what her feelings might be toward his child. "She'll grow to love it" ( the sacrifice she must make ). What if she doesn't? What if she refuses to marry him? What if she decides to use the child as revenge by keeping it from him? Or he dumps her for another woman and they fight over possession. She passes off to him. Touchdown! I don't know if we are talking about an it or a human life here! To me that is like putting a gun to a woman's head demanding that she have a man's baby, for the sake of a baby as opposed to sharing in a mutual love relationship and having the desire to create a part of each other in a child, which is far better for the child. A child is not a possession.©

Kay F. Gibbs

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