Monday, July 11, 2011

In July of 1996 my car was stolen…update 4

Cost my mother $800.00 to help me get it back, all of my property was stolen from inside the vehicle, estimated at $1500 +…I did not file insurance because I only had liability…I was collecting items for an apartment…

update 4:  I suspect one who I had encountered earlier in the shelter and who was addicted to crack cocaine and in need of money was involved in the incident, why I was there to begin with, to make an apology for an incident that happened at the shelter on July 4th…in which she was not harmed…

The vehicle was taken to Danville, VA where an attempted trade-in was made when police were contacted about the theft as I had the title to the car in my brief case, this smacks of some car insurance fraud…


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