Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking Stock of the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal

Imagine for instance a young girl from a rural village. She has the drive and the determination to get her education, to chart a successful career, and make a difference in the world. However, the odds are stacked against her because her village has no consistent electricity, and suffers from health challenges and other blights because of its isolation. Her school has outdated books, and doesn’t have the power to tap into the vast catalog of school materials available online. She is not without hope, and she is determined. But she – and all of the inhabitants of her village – deserve a chance. They need to be given the opportunity to learn, to compete, and to be able to utilize the technology that the 21st century has to offer! Our nuclear partnership will provide the energy that can help make this girl’s dreams – and the hopes of many others like her – a reality.

Taking Stock of the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal

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