Friday, October 14, 2011

A good old fashioned Cocaine cocktail…updated

Melatonin and GABA – this makes sense as dreaming and the processing of the days information begins in REM sleep, so this means that melatonin acts like a re-uptake inhibitor, why I am now unable to sleep well again.  I am up to 8-10 mgs Melatonin at night plus additional glutamine I take in the evening and during the day as well.   The darkness in my apartment during the day is causing a problem although I am compensating somewhat with my LCD computer screen set at Standard.   This also explains the keener insights I have been having during the day as my melatonin stores are being release due to my darker apartment.  The walls are antique white versus bright white, which I requested as the apartment faces the east and a significant number of trees so it gets little sunshine but lots of heat.

I wonder if this black background on this blog has an effect on melatonin as well.  Not interesting in finding that out so someone else can research that, although I think processing the white letters may inhibit any real recollection of the information.

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