Monday, May 23, 2011

I didn’t know anything about skis so I looked them up on the internet…updated

…and discovered that screws were used to adjust their release I think it is…then I really knew something was amiss.   I was never sure why I placed the cross on that shelf which I still have until I learned about the skis.  Then I was really flipping out.   I had not seen the Hitchcock film myself but my mother may have seen it, why I developed the paranoia about being possessed.  Of course lots of teenagers viewed those kinds of films also. 

I had sort of gotten over that paranoia until this started happening and the consciousness of it still eludes me.  I had read about synchronicity but was not focused on that at the time of these findings, which I seem to be acting out rather than using some logical deduction although there was the use of some logic in associating the events.  I didn’t think it was possible until I started making connections to California and I still have thoughts that it is too impossible yet the more I delve into it the more it is confirmed.

What's In Your Brain? What's In Your Mind?: Screws…

Getting lifted by all of the traffic sort of disconnected me from some of it but then might have also been responsible for getting me into it, which I think started in 2000.

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